Masteron was developed in 1959 by Synex. Masteron is a moderately powerful anabolic and is not able to aromatase into estrogen. It was highly popular in the 1970s and 80s among athletes, but commercially it was soon replaced by better therapies for breast cancer. It is one of the key steroids used during competition preparation and an essential component in your stack if you are looking for that dry and shredded look bodybuilders have on stage. When examining this drug’s properties it’s not hard to see why this drug is so vital during the time leading up to a show. One thing that stands out is the ability to act as an anti-estrogen. This is not unique to Masteron though and Proviron shows similar effects. It’s also popular among athletes that require retaining strength while losing mass. It is beneficial to runners and athletes who must remain in a certain weight class. This is a great steroid to stack with a variety of other steroids depending on the goal of the individual. Stacking Masteron with testosterone for example will make for a great bulking stack with Masteron acting as an anti-estrogen to lower estrogenic side effects. Stacking it with Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise will produce a nice lean mass stack. Combining Masteron with something like Anavar, Winstrol, Trenbolone or Primobolan will make for a very effective cutting stack. Masteron comes in two ester forms, the enanthate which has a half-life of about 8 - 10 days, and the propionate which has a half-life of 2 - 3 days. Normal weekly dosages range in the region of 350 - 600mg. The best average dosage is about 450mg per week. Women can use around 100mg per week. Androgenic side-effects like oily skin, acne, facial/body hair growth, and male pattern boldness are still possible, however, the severity of these side-effects is low and management of them will be easy. Women are warned about possible virilizing effects.
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