Trenbolone side effects include irritated skin at the injection site; hives, oily skin, swelling, and itchiness, some users even experience a yellow tinge to their skin. You can also expect to experience increased hair growth, and your sleeping habits disturbed, where you can experience vivid/lucid dreams and night sweats. Some users experience the famous ‘tren cough’ this is actually due to the benzyl alcohol used and your body trying to get rid of it via the lungs which can become extremely dangerous. Increased levels of blood pressure can be expected and in rare cases, cardiovascular disease might be a concern. Users also report the inability to do endurance exercises while on Trenbolone so this makes it highly unfavourable for many athletes. Trenbolone is very effective in both cutting and bulking cycles and just depends on which compound you stack with this powerful steroid. Trenbolone stacks very well with Testosterone and Anavar and/or Primobolan for that extremely hard and dry look. You can also stack Trenbolone with a Testosterone base and Equipoise to experience some nice quality mass gains. Or if you are looking for explosive size and strength you can use Trenbolone with a Testosterone base and add Anadrol or Dianabol to the mix. Trenbolone acetate only has an active life in our bodies of around 3 days, but for stable hormone levels, it is advised to pin this drug ED (Every day). The benefit of it being such a fast-acting compound is that it gets to work quickly.
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