Brand: Core Labs
Model: 4368
Trade Names: Equi, Equiplex, EquipoiseChemical Names: Boldenone UndecylenateRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: 14 days Equipoise is an anabolic steroid developed for veterinary used mainly for the treatment of horses to promote lean bodyweight. Bodybuilders have found favor with this com..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 76899
Trade Names: Equi, Equiplex, EquipoiseChemical Names: Dihydroboldenone CypionateRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: 14 days Equipoise is an anabolic steroid developed for veterinary used mainly for the treatment of horses to promote lean bodyweight. Bodybuilders have found favor with this..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 7895
Trade Names: MasteronChemical Names: DrostanoloneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: Propionate: 2-3 days / Enanthate: 8-10 days Masteron was developed in 1959 by Synex. Masteron is a moderately powerful anabolic and is not able to aromatase into estrogen. It was highly popular in the 197..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 8890
Trade Names: Dianabol, Danabol, AnabolChemical Names: MethandienoneRoutes: OralHalf-life: 4.5-6 hours Dianabol (Methandienone) was originally developed by John Ziegler and released in the early 1960s by Ciba. This steroid is one of the most common drugs used across the bodybuilding world and ve..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 55779
Trade Names: Deca, Deca-Durabolin, Nandrolone PhenylpropionateChemical Names: NandroloneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: NPP 3 days / Decanoate 10-15 DaysIn 1983 Nandrolone was approved by the FDA for the treatment of variety of medical conditions including metastatic breast cance..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 87354
Trade Names: Anavar, Lipidex, Antitriol, Lonavar, Oxadrine, Oxavet QVChemical Names: OxandroloneRoutes: OralHalf-life: 9 hours This drug was first produced in 1964 by a company called Searle. It was designed to be a safe and mind anabolic steroid and in low doses was well tolerated by women and..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 57568
Trade Names: AnapolonChemical Names: OxymetholoneRoutes: OralHalf-life: 8-9 hours Anapolon is a very powerful oral steroid developed in the 1960’s by Zoltan. It is considered by many bodybuilders to be the ultimate mass building drug. This remarkable ability to increase muscle mass comes at a p..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 6689
Trade Names: Winstrol, Winstrol-DepotChemical Names: StanozololRoutes: Oral and IntramuscularHalf-life: Oral: 8 hours / Injectable: 1 dayStanozolol, commonly found under the name Winstrol (oral) and Winstrol Depot (intramuscular), was developed by Winthrop Laboratories in 1962. Winstrol is a derivat..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 787975
Trade Names: Winstrol, Winstrol-DepotChemical Names: StanozololRoutes: Oral and IntramuscularHalf-life: Oral: 8 hours / Injectable: 1 dayStanozolol, commonly found under the name Winstrol (oral) and Winstrol Depot (intramuscular), was developed by Winthrop Laboratories in 1962. Winstrol is a derivat..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 7733
Trade Names: Testocyp, Depotrone, Testen, Testoviron, Prop, Suspension, Super-Test, SustanonChemical Names: TestosteroneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life:Cypionate 12 days Testosterone Cypionate also known as Depo Testosterone (Depetrone) is suspended in cottonseed oil and has an 8-carbo..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 9981
Trade Names: Testocyp, Depotrone, Testen, Testoviron, Prop, Suspension, Super-Test, SustanonChemical Names: TestosteroneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: Enanthate 8-10.5 daysTestosterone Enanthate also known as Test E / Testen / Testoviron is suspended in sesame oil and has a 7-carbon ..
Brand: Core Labs
Model: 33547
Trade Names: Testocyp, Depotrone, Testen, Testoviron, Prop, Suspension, Super-Test, SustanonChemical Names: TestosteroneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life:- Suspension 12-36 hours- Propionate 4.5 days- Enanthate 8-10.5 days- Cypionate 12 days- Mix 15-18 daystestosterone propionate 50 mgtestost..