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SUSTANON® 250 - this Pakistan testosterone mix is the only very effective original Sustanon that can compete with expensive Netherlands one.Licensed b..5,00€Trade Names: Testocyp, Depotrone, Testen, Testoviron, Prop, Suspension, Super-Test, SustanonChemical Names: TestosteroneRoutes: Intramuscular Injec..6,40€Trade Names: PrimobolanChemical Names: Methenolone Enanthate / AcetateRoutes: Intramuscular and OralHalf-life: Enanthate: 10/15 days - Acetate: 2/3 da..7,50€Trade Names: Deca, Deca-Durabolin, Nandrolone PhenylpropionateChemical Names: NandroloneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: NPP 3 days / Decano..35,00€ Trade Names: hCG, Ovidrel, Pregnyl Chemical Names: Gonadotrophin Routes: Intramuscular or Subcutaneous Human chorionic gonadotrophin..37,00€Trade Names: Testocyp, Depotrone, Testen, Testoviron, Prop, Suspension, Super-Test, SustanonChemical Names: TestosteroneRoutes: Intramuscular Injec..29,00€Trade Names: Deca, Deca-Durabolin, Nandrolone PhenylpropionateChemical Names: NandroloneRoutes: Intramuscular InjectionHalf-life: NPP 3 days / Decano..5,50€OMNADREN® 250 - extreme muscle gain. Large volume, up to several kilograms in four weeks. The most effective injection testosterone preparation for th..25,00€
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